
Exam preparations for the International Nuclear Science Olympiad (INSO)

* The video materials are in Japanese.

1. Structure of an atom and nucleus

  ・The basic components of an atom
  ・Basic characteristics including proton, electron, and neutron
  ・The models explaining the atomic structure (evolution of models)
  ・Isotopes (stable and unstable), isotones, isobars, isomers Learn More>>
  ・The periodictable of elements Learn More>>
  ・Properties of nucleus (size, mass, etc.)
  ・Basic particle physics (quark composition of subnuclear particles)
  ・Currently excluded: Shell model of nucleus, advanced quantum mechanics

2. Radiation

  ・Different types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, x-ray, neutron, Ionizing and non-Ionizing & understanding electromagnetic spectrum)
  ・Types of radioactive decay based on nucleus instability
  ・Differentiate between properties of radioactive emissions (calculations of daughters, conservation of mass/energy)
  ・Biological effects of radiation
  ・Radiation interaction with matter (photoelectric effect, pair production, Compton scattering, etc.) Learn More>>
  ・Dose/radiation units – Dose calculations (dose limits, shielding, etc.)
  ・Radioactive decay series (parent/daughter, equilibrium, etc.)
  ・Half-life, mean life, decay constants
  ・Man-made vs natural sources
  ・Man-made creation of radiation (x-ray production, accelerators, reactors as source, etc.)
  ・Measurement of radiation (types of detectors, operating principles, etc.) Learn More>>
  ・Currently excluded: Exotic forms of radiation (muons, etc.), detailed Compton scattering calculations, conservation of spin/angular momentum

3. Fission & Fusion

  Fission 1
  Fission 2
  ・Nuclear Reactions and Q-value calculations
  ・Differentiate between fission and fusion reactions
  ・Conversion of mass to energy E=MC2
  ・Basic relativit by formulas and calculations (relating to E=MC2)
  ・Contrnl of fission and fusion
  ・Fission and fusion as source of energy
  ・Nuclear energy
  ▹Physics: moderation, neutron energy spectrum, scattering, cross sections, four/six factor formula, neutron life cycle
  ▹Engineering: design, control, components
  ・Stars formafon/death
  ・Uranium enrichment, isotope separation Learn More>>
  ・Relationship to binding energy (semi-empirical mass formula, changes in binding energy)
  ・Currently excluded: Thermodynamics of reactor operation, detailed core neutronic calculations

4. Radioactivity in the Environment

  ・Natural occurrences of radioactive ores
  ・Cosmic vs terrestrial sources
  ・Man-made sources in the environment (fallout, etc.)
  ・Radiometric dating (carbon dating, etc.)
  ・Background dose calculations, normal intake or exposure of radionuclides

5. History of Nuclear Science

  ・The historical milestones of scientists associated with the development of nuclear science and technology Learn More>>
  ・Early applications -weapon/health (x-ray) and who discovered them
  ・The IAEA establishment and role (peaceful uses)
  ・History of nuclear accidents

6. Risk and Safety

  Nuclear safety
  Radiation safety
  ・Principles and concepts In radiation protection/treatment
  ・Waste management principles, practices, classifications Learn More>> Learn More>>
  ・Time, distance, shielding
  ・ALARA- Safety and security culture
  ・Emergency response (protective actions) Learn More>>
  ・Risk communication

7. Applications (Energy, Health, Industry/Agriculture, Environment)

  ・How nuclear technologies support agriculture (mutation breeding, food irradiation, sterile insect technique)
  ・Health application and use as diagnostic and therapeutic treatment (x-ray radiography, computed tomography (CD, radiation therapy)
  ・lndustry (hydrogen production, non-destructive evaluation, crosslinking and degradation of polymers, radiation-induced reactions)
  ・Radioisotope production
  ・Radioactive tracing (defect detection, water tracking, etc.) Learn More>>
  ・Nuclear power (electricity, propulsion, heat, etc.) Learn More>>