生成系AIの利用に関する留意事項 Notes on the Use of Generative AI

山口 淳二

昨今、人工知能(AI)技術の発展に伴い、テキストや画像、プログラムコード等を生成する「生成系AI」が登場しました。幅広い分野の質問へ詳細に回答する「ChatGPT」やテキストから画像を生成する「Stable Diffusion」など、生成系AIによるツールがだれでも気軽に利用できる環境が整いつつあります。このような技術は私たちに、知識とは何か、人間の知性とは何かという重要な問いを投げかける一方で、このような人間の創造活動やコミュニケーションを一変させうる技術が教育や学習にどのような影響を与えるのか、多くの議論が起こり懸念も広がりつつあります。





    1. 授業において学生に対し、生成系AIの使用の許可や制限についてあらかじめ説明し、学生が課題や実習で生成系AIを利用した場合の、成績評価の公平性を保つように配慮する。
    2. 現在、生成系AIにより作成されたテキスト等を見分けるツールの開発も進んでいるが、技術は未確立である。学生への課題等が生成系AIによりどのように回答されるかをあらかじめ確認することは判断の一つの目安となるが、学生の提出した課題を見分けることは困難であることに留意する。
    3. 学生の提出した課題の採点補助に生成系AIを用いる場合、システムが利用者の入力したデータを蓄積し、他のユーザに対して出力することも想定されるため、学生の個人情報などプライバシーに関わる情報を入力しないよう留意する。


    1. 生成系AIのようなツールの可能性を批判的に捉えつつ、自らの学習に効果的に用いるような方法を考えること自体は、大学での学びを深めることに有効である一方、以下の通り、利用方法を誤ることで自らの学びの機会や学問倫理を損なう可能性があることに留意する。なお、授業レポート等の課題作成に当たっては、生成系AI使用に関して、担当教員からの注意、指示に従うこと。
    2. ChatGPT等のツールの出力は、インターネットで収集したテキストを用いたデータベース(コーパス)を用いて作られるため、インターネット上に掲載された他人の文章等を知らないうちに盗用する可能性があることに留意する。
    3. ChatGPT等の一部のツールでは、過去の知識の簡潔な要約を容易に行うことができるが、不正確な情報も含まれるため、情報を鵜呑みすることは危険である。また、情報の出典について不明、または不正確なこともあるため、先行研究を踏まえた学術的レビューとして利用するには事足りないことがある。





Notes on the Use of Generative AI

Executive Vice President

With the recent development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, generative AI, which generates text, images, program code, and other content, has emerged. Tools with generative AI, such as “ChatGPT,” which provides detailed answers to questions in a wide range of fields, and “Stable Diffusion,” which generates images from text descriptions, are becoming readily available for anyone to use. While these technologies raise important questions about what knowledge and human intelligence are, there is much debate and growing concern about the impact on education and learning posed by technologies that can transform human creativity and communication.

Under the education policy of “All-Round Education,” Hokkaido University strongly values liberal arts education and broad, human education to nurture a rich humanity and high level of intelligence and aims to develop fundamental abilities to respect human rights and successfully respond to social needs. New technologies such as generative AI, if used well, have the potential to enhance and develop such education and learning. On the other hand, if used improperly, it could hinder student learning, undermine the fairness of educational assessment, and eventually lead to erosion of academic ethics.

In using generative AI for education and learning, all faculty and students of the University are encouraged to explore methods to enhance education and learning with such technology in light of the University’s education policy and to be cautious at the same time in their use while being cognizant of the concerns about its educational use.

When considering using generative AI for education and learning, please keep the following in mind.

For faculty use

    1. Explain to students in advance whether the use of generative AI is permitted in class and how it is restricted. Ensure the fairness of grading in the event that students use generative AI in their assignments and practical learning.
    2. Currently, tools that identify texts and other content created by generative AI are being developed, but such technology is not yet established. Checking in advance how student assignments and tasks to be given are answered by generative AI may provide some guidance, however, please note that it is difficult to detect AI-generated content in assignments submitted by students.
    3. When using generative AI to assist in grading assignments submitted by students, you must NOT enter any personal or private information of the students since generative AI may store the data entered and output to other users.

For student use

    1. While taking a critical look at the possibilities of tools such as generative AI and examining how it may be effectively used for one’s study is beneficial in deepening your learning at the University, it must be noted, as described below, that improper use of such tools may undermine your learning opportunities and academic ethics. When preparing papers and other assignments, follow the guidance and instructions of your instructor regarding the use of generative AI.
    2. Output from tools such as ChatGPT is generated using a database (corpus) of texts collected from the Internet, and there is a possibility of unknowingly plagiarizing other people’s writings, etc. posted on the Internet.
    3. While some tools such as ChatGPT readily provide a concise summary of past knowledge, it is dangerous to blindly rely on such information as it may contain inaccuracies. Furthermore, it may not be appropriate to use it as a scholarly review based on prior research because the source of information is sometimes unclear or inaccurate.

The University continues to investigate the use of generative AI in education and plans to establish new guidelines to inform you of the appropriate use of this new technology.